Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2020 (online webinar presentation model) Tickets on sale NOW!

Tickets for Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2020 (online webinar presentation model) held on June 12 and 13 are on sale now. Multiple promotional offers are available: HK$1,499 Patron L-1 ticket: Besides participating in the two-day online conference, Kottis products will be directly delivered to your home! Patron name will show on the page of …

HKOSCon 2020 Arrangements

Hong Kong Open Source Conference will be held on June 12-13 at Cyberport, the arrangemenets of the two full-day conference are as follows: Day 1 (June 12) is a single-track featuring keynote speeches; Day 2 (June 13) will be in two-track combining with speeches and workshops. On-site presence or online webinar presentation model will be …

HKOSCon Courtesy Visit to Japan Open Source community in Tokyo

Hong Kong Open Source Conference (HKOSCon) is an annual international conference that promotes the open source culture to communities of both IT professionals and the general public, including developers, users and promoters. I had the honor to present in PyCon HK and hence acquaint the organizers in the speaker dinner. Inspired, I joined the organizing …

(Chinese Only) 【開源年會】自己環境自己救 台灣民間自發監測空氣質素

自己空氣自己測,台灣一群關心環境又熱愛動手的創客(Maker),自發製作測量盒子,收集並發佈空氣污染數據,測量點比政府還要多。 2019香港開源年會上,台灣樹莓派(Raspberry Pi)用家社群負責人sosorry介紹台灣民間空氣監測的發展史,以及他們如何利用開源科技降低成本及技術門檻,讓更多人參與其中。 HK01 全文︰【開源年會】自己環境自己救 台灣民間自發監測空氣質素

(Chinese Only)【開源年會】Mozilla為網絡做體檢 應對假新聞及網絡攻擊

網絡私隱、監控、假新聞、中心化等問題近年越來越嚴重。香港開源年會2019上,Mozilla台灣社群聯繫人Irvin Chen﹙陳心一﹚帶來最新一份《網路健康報告》,逐一探討網絡的「健康問題」。 這些概念或許比較抽象,他以本港近日反對《逃犯條例》修訂示威期間,通訊工具Telegram受攻擊為例,解釋何謂網絡過於中心化,當多數人太 HK01 全文︰【開源年會】Mozilla為網絡做體檢 應對假新聞及網絡攻擊