(Chinese Only) IPFS|將會取代現有 HTTP 架構?可以永久保存內容與檔案的技術

區塊鏈技術一直以去中心化為宗旨,帶來不可竄改、透明、公開的結算系統。加密貨幣帶來金融與資產的去中心化;以太坊延伸出 NFT 藝術品,則在創作領域及藝術收藏市場作去中心化。這兩者現時可能仍然給人一種屬於金融世界行內技術的感覺,那麼現在開始進一步提倡的技術可能跟我們所有人關係更密切——利用 IPFS 技術,為創作物以至所有形式內容實行儲存與傳播的去中心化。 HK01 全文:IPFS|將會取代現有 HTTP 架構?可以永久保存內容與檔案的技術

(Chinese Only) 香港開源年會 2021 接受登記

香港開源年會 2021 將於 7 月 17 日網上舉行,現已接受網上登記。今年年會展示不同科技領域的開源方法,亦由 LikeCoin 創辦人高重建先生擔任首位講者,講解如何用區塊鍵來保存檔案,以實作示範使用星際檔案系統 (IPFS)「無大台」保存資訊。 森路歷程 全文:香港開源年會 2021 接受登記

Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2021 Giveaway Terms and Conditions

1. These Terms and Conditions govern Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2021 (the “HKOSCon2021”, “conference”) lucky draws (the “Giveaway”) which offers you the chance to win prizes (the“Prize(s)”) from various sponsors (the “Sponsor(s)”). 2. This Giveaway is open to all persons who join the HKOSCon2021 online, that are:a. residents in Hong Kong who can provide …

[HKOSCon 2021] Open to Trust and getting closer

Hong Kong Open Source Conference is committed to deliver insights of open source technologies, brings together developers, engineers, academia, startups, companies and students to drive innovation and unlock the full potential of open collaboration. This year HKOSCon 2021 will be held on July 17 virtually with Live Q&A, real time communication channel and exciting lucky …

Kottis Phone Case

This year our mascot collaborated with ONLLY CASE to produce our own phone case for iPhone and Samsung mobile. You may click on the following link and design your own avatar (The version are “I’m Kottis” and “Coding with Kottis”) Price: HK$300 (Basic mailing is included) https://promote.onllycase.com/index.html?type=productByTag&tag=HKOSC If you made your order please share your …