The HKOSCon is organized annually by the following open source communities:
Leading Organizer
Hong Kong Creative Open Technology Association
This conference organised by Hong Kong Creative Open Technology Association ( HKCOTA ). This association is a non-profit tax-exempt charity organisation ( Reg.# 91/12580 ) founded in 2014 to promote Open Standards; Free and Open Source Software; Open Hardware; Free Culture Works, Open Content and Creative Commons.
Supporting Organizers
Hong Kong Linux User Group
Hong Kong Linux User Group ( HKLUG ) is a community of professionals, private individuals, students who are interested in the Linux operating system. Founded in 1997, the HKLUG has been promoting the use of the Linux, Free and Open Source Software and related issues. HKLUG also organised a number of conferences such as GNOME.Asia 2012 where more than 120 participants from Hong Kong and overseas attended.
Open Source Hong Kong
Open Source Hong Kong ( OSHK ) is a community in aim of advocacy and promotion on concepts and uses of open source, to organise meet-ups, seminars, conferences and other events in Hong Kong and Asia. OSHK encourages communication and collaboration of open source, open technology and open culture related communities in Hong Kong and the world.