(Chinese Only) HKOSCON 2016

今年有幸可以參與香港的 Open Source Conference,這趟還承蒙 Mozilla 贊助交通費用,另外因為是講者的關係,住宿的部分則是 HKOSCON 幫忙。其實至少去年就想去了,不過去年因為事情比較多就放棄了,今年還乾脆的投稿分享,不過因為工作的關係,只有參加週六的議程… O3noBLOG 全文︰HKOSCON 2016  

(Chinese Only) HKOSC 2015

因為一些突發狀況,四月中我拿了一些資遣費,從公司離職了…雖然是自願離職的就是。因為是突發狀況,所以當時沒有新工作可以馬上銜接,除了找工作,就是在家閒著(儘管如此,也是沒有把累積的動畫看完Orz)。 RJ’s Tumblr 全文︰HKOSC 2015

Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2015

I had the pleasure to visit Hong Kong and to speak about Tizen during HKOSCon 2015, the local open source conference. Hong Kong is a gorgeous and dynamic city in a region well known with its hardware manufacturing plants. The local open source community prepared a fabulous conference about open source software located at the Hong Kong …

TW Mozillians @ HKOSCon 2015

In the end of June, totally 7 Taiwan Mozillians (5 reps, 2 core contributors) flew to Hong Kong to host a Mozilla booth at HKOSCon 2015 (Hong Kong Open Source Conference). The following are 2 blog posts from Yao Wei and Ernest. Original Article by Bilog II: TW Mozillians @ 香港開源年會 HKOSCon 2015

Showing off Firefox in HKOSCon 2015

HKOSCon is an annual open source conference in Hong Kong, similar to COSCUP in Taiwan. This year it took place in HKSTP (Hong Kong Science and Technology Park). Our booth was in a glass corridor connecting the food court and the conference building. Original Article by Mozilla Links 正體中文版: Showing off Firefox in HKOSCon 2015